404 Error Message

Authorized Representation is getting an error message

Lara Freiberger avatar
Written by Lara Freiberger
Updated over a week ago

When having an Authorized Representative completing an I-9 receives an error message "404 Sorry, this page isn't available", this means that the Authorized Representative has not opened the correct email. They will need to go back and recheck their email for the most recent email from ShiftMed.

404 Error message for I-9

Subject Line of the email will contain "ACTION REQUIRED"

Sender of the email will be ShiftMed.com

Each time that the Healthcare Professional selects the "Send Reminder" button in the app, this will generate a new email to the Authorized Representative. And, this disables the link in the previous I-9 email that was sent to the Authorized Representative.

"Send Reminder" for I-9 Authorized Representative

So, whenever the "SEND REMINDER" button is selected, the Authorized Representative needs to be directed to be sure that they are using the most recent email from ShiftMed.com or they will receive the 404 error message.

It is best to recommend to the Healthcare Professional to document the time at which they select the "SEND REMINDER" button and then direct the Authorized Representative to find the email that is closest to the time at which the email was sent.

For more information on what the Authorized Representative needs to do to complete the I-9 click here.

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