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NY - New York CNA Credentialing Requirements

What credentials do I need to work as a CNA in New York?

Lara Freiberger avatar
Written by Lara Freiberger
Updated over 2 months ago

Thank you for your interest in ShiftMed. Below you will find a Checklist of requirements for CNAs that are interested in working through ShiftMed in New York.

Required Documents:

First documents you will need to upload prior to completing your profile and uploading state specific requirements:

When signing up to work with ShiftMed in the app you will then be prompted to enter your

  • Proof of Identification (DL, Photo ID, Passport, etc.)

  • Social Security Number

  • Professional License

    • You can upload multiple Professional Licenses and any Specialties if applicable.

NOTE that you must have a Professional License through the state of New York.

Once uploaded you will be prompted to sign your documents and upload the required credentials for your state. Keep in mind some Facilities may have additional requirements aside from the state specifics. See below for more information on what your state requires.

Required Documents:

Documents that must be signed in the ShiftMed App before you can start uploading credentials:

  • Training Manual - complete directly within the app using the tap to sign feature

  • Company Handbook - complete directly within the app using the tap to sign feature

  • TB Baseline Risk Agreement Form

  • Arbitration Agreement

Required Credentials:

Documents that must be uploaded into the ShiftMed App before you can start claiming shifts:

  • Annual Physical Exam (Completed within the last year) - some of our partner facilities may require this credential before claiming a shift

  • 1-step PPD, 2-step PPD or TB Blood Test (completed within the last year) or Chest X-Ray (completed within the last 5 years) **Disclaimer - a 1-step PPD is the minimum testing requirement, however specific facilities may have additional TB testing requirements at their discretion.

  • Professional License Certification - this is a screenshot of your physical license from the state

  • MMR (New York City - requires Titers that document that you are immune to Measles, Mumps and Rubella, other parts of New York will accept proof of MMR Vaccines)

  • Resume - Our partners are interested in your experience working as a CNA

Additional Credentials:

Please note that additional facility specific credentials could be asked of you when attempting to claim a shift. These are NOT required for you to be hired by ShiftMed. These are special requirements that some of our partner facilities require. For more information on Facility Specific Credentials, CLICK HERE.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine - All HCPs must have either a COVID-19 Vaccination or must complete a Medical or Religious Exemption form in the app.

  • Get 2 References - there are a few partner facilities that require verified references before claiming a shift - please enter mobile numbers for your references

  • Flu Shot - the majority of our partner facilities in the area do require a flu shot during flu season

  • Varicella - about 30% of our partner facilities require documentation on your Varicella Titers before claiming a shift

  • COVID-19 Vaccine - All HCPs must have either a COVID-19 Vaccination or complete a Medical Exemption form in the app. A Religious Exemption is not accepted in the state of NY.

Forms To Complete:

  • Completed Form 102 CHRC Form - complete directly within the app using the tab to sign feature once you have uploaded your Annual Physical, TB Test, and ID.

Items that ShiftMed will Verify:

  • Active Professional New York CNA License

    • If CNA - we will collect information needed to complete the top portion of the Form 102 CHRC Form for the Orientation Shift

  • Clear record on the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Exclusion Check

  • Clear record on the Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) Exclusion Check

  • Clear record on the System for Award Management (SAM) Exclusion Check

  • Clear record on the NY SORA Exclusion Check

CNA's in New York are required to attend Facility Orientations.

Upload your credentials in the ShiftMed app.

​If you have any questions, reach out to us in chat by going into the ShiftMed App > Menu > Help Center > Help Articles & Chat > Messages > Send Us A Message!

New York CNA State Credentialing Checklist

Completed in the ShiftMed App

Completed in the ShiftMed App

ShiftMed Credentialing Team will complete internally

(Not visible in app)

ShiftMed Required Credentials

Additional Credentials

(May be required at specific facilities)

ShiftMed Required Checks


☐ New York CNA Professional License

☐ Proof of Identification (State ID, DL, Passport, etc.)


TB Test (PPD, Blood Test or Chest X-Ray)


MMR (Vaccine or Titer)

Consent Forms:

☐ NY CNA Consent Form 102 CHRC

☐ TB Baseline Risk Agreement Form

☐ Training Manual

☐ Company Handbook

☐ Arbitration Agreement


Varicella (Vaccine or Titer)

Covid 19 Vaccine Records/Declination

Background & Registry Checks:

☐ Completed top portion of NY CNA Consent Form 102 CHRC for orientation shift

☐ Office of Inspector General (OIG) Check

☐ Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) Check

☐ System for Award Management (SAM) Exclusion Check

☐ NY Sexual Predator Check (NY SORA Results)

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